“I had just finished appointing Midland Industries in Walverhampton as my manufacturer and distributor in the U.K in 1960. In March of that year, the President of the company called to inform me that my machine was set up in London for a national press conference and demonstration and all I had to do was ride down to the site and fire it up. I hoped it would be in a nice place. Was I surprised!
When we arrived in London my driver kept going all the way to downtown. I asked where we were going. He laughed and drove onto Regency Street where we turned off just behind the Pan Am Office Building and drove up a ramp where the machine was sitting. We were at the Quaglino Hotel, a exclusive bedroom hotel for the top executives of the industrial world such as the DuPonts, Fords, Rockefellers, etc.
Midland Industries had invited the who’s who of England for breakfast before the demo. I, of course, did not go to breakfast as I was checking out the burner. If it did not work perfectly we could forget England. As I was checking everything an older man with cameras and photographic equipment all over him came up and said to me in a very angry manner that he had carried this equipment through two world wars and what the “hell” was he doing there. I asked who he worked for and he said Pathe' News.
I suggested that we go across the street to get a cup of tea and crumpets as the show wouldn’t start for at least 45 minutes. There I told him my life story and what I hoped to do in the next few years. He became very excited and said that if you can show me what you say, I will make you a success.
The demonstration was letter perfect and the Pathe’ News Reel was shown in most of the world’s movie theaters that very month. It said that for the first time in the history of mankind, a machine can burn all of the bad things and make heat that can be used for whatever you want.
England at that time burned all of its trash in fireplaces or industrial coal fired boilers and the smoke and smog was worse by far than Los Angeles.
So you can see, I had a ready-made market for the product, and a great company of people behind me, just as we have again today!
And the rest is history.”
A Personal Account From Gordon Hoskinson:
Location: London, England
One of Hoskinson’s first high-profile promotional event in London, England that debuted his smokeless invention at the most exclusive resident hotels in London, the Quaglino Hotel.